Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Mandala Workshop (11-29/30; 12-1-2017)

Marla's first glass-on-glass mandala
As you may know, I schedule workshops when someone shows an interest in a workshop. I then open the workshop up to others to participate. What this means is sometimes I have a maximum 4 participants and sometimes only one. It is all good and each workshop is unique. In my latest workshop, Marla was my only student. I think you will agree that she took on a challenging design and pulled it off exceedingly well. One of the things we discussed was how value studies can be very helpful when choosing the colors and unique characteristics of stained glass that will be used. I think Marla's mandala provides a great example of how the consideration of value (i.e. the lights and darks) really contributes to the beauty of mandala. The created pattern of dark, medium and light values helps the viewer immediately see the design and enjoy the beauty.

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